Phi Alpha Delta at Virginia Tech

"Service to the student, the school, the profession and the community. "

The Foundation of P.A.D.

  • Mission

    Phi Alpha Delta is the world’s preeminent law fraternity because of our dedication to service: service to the student, the school, the profession, and the community.

    It is through devotion to the ideals of compassion, courage, diversity, innovation, integrity, professionalism, and service that we better both our profession and our community. Through accepting our differences we become not just a law fraternity, but a family.

  • Vision

    Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International strives to be the premier legal professional organization with a diverse membership that cultivates leaders and serves as a voice for the role of legal professionalism in our society.

  • Core Values

    Bound together by tradition and our common interest in the law, we share these core values: Compassion, Courage, Diversity, Innovation, Integrity, Professionalism, and Service.

More about P.A.D.

Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity International (PAD) is the world's largest legal association. Its members include law students, pre-law students, practicing attorneys, legal educators, judges, and elected officials. 

PAD was founded in 1902. Its goals are to "advance ideals of liberty and equal justice under the law, to inspire the virtues of compassion and courage among attorneys, and to foster integrity and professional competence among its members." 

Beginning in 1981, PAD began to extend membership opportunities to undergraduates by establishing pre-law chapters. Today, there are over 270 pre-law chapters of PAD at undergraduate institutions throughout the United States and in Puerto Rico.

The pre-law chapter of PAD at Virginia Tech provides one way for students to meet others who are interested in learning more about a career in law. The chapter sponsors a wide range of activities for members, including visits to area law schools, discussions with local attorneys and current law students, talks about the various steps in the law school admission process, and a variety of other pre-law activities. 

For more information about PAD, see If you are interested in learning more about Virginia Tech's pre-law chapter of PAD, please go to the Membership section.

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